Android APKTool APK

Sharedr APK For Android Free Download Latest Version

Sharedr APK Download improves sharing on Android by broadening its local usefulness and including a few cherries top.

Offer exchange substitution

  1. • It’s straightforward and quick.
  2. • No Direct Share, so none of the postponement and format shifts it causes.
  3. • Long press on things to stick/unfasten them to the first spot on the list, cover up or rename them.
  4. • Choose between light, dim and dark subject.
  5. • Option to flip among rundown and framework format.

Much of the time posed inquiries

Note: You can likewise discover the FAQ on

How would I begin utilizing Sharedr?

When Sharedr is introduced and you share something, you should see a discourse that inquires as to whether you need to utilize Android System or Sharedr. Pick the last mentioned. The following time you share something you’ll have the option to set Sharedr as the default.

Sharedr APK Download

Sharedr doesn’t work!

Some applications utilize their own offer exchange usage as opposed to depending on the framework. Models incorporate (a great deal of) Google applications like Maps, News, Photos and YouTube. The solitary thing you can do about that is sending input to the engineer and request that they utilize the framework share exchange. This will permit Sharedr to dominate.

Sharedr APK

DeveloperNgân Hani
CategoryFree Tools APP
Installs10,000+ Free Download

At that point there are some OEM’s that don’t need other applications assuming control over the sharing experience. From criticism I have gotten, I’ve discovered that probably some OnePlus and Samsung gadgets block outsider offer exchange substitution applications.

I can’t share documents!

Because of a limitation in Android, the framework may keep Sharedr from getting to documents you’re attempting to share. Contingent upon the substance and from which application you share, Sharedr will most likely be unable to do it.

Bunches of applications – including Android’s own framework Files application – utilize an old inheritance strategy for sharing records ( On the off chance that you run into the present circumstance, it would be ideal if you contact me ( and let me know which application you’re attempting to share a record from. I’ll readily contact the designer and request that they settle the issue.

Meanwhile, I have opened a ticket on the Android Open Source Project issue tracker (, and approached Google for a drawn out arrangement.

Will I un-set Sharedr as the default?

Truly you can! The least demanding path is to share something, at that point tap the ‘flood menu’ symbol (three vertical specks) in the upper right corner of the offer discourse, at that point pick ‘Clear defaults’.

I can’t re-set Sharedr as the default!

In the event that you’ve set the framework share exchange as default while Sharedr is introduced, Android will never ask you again on the off chance that you need to utilize Sharedr. To get the brief to show up once more, you need to clear defaults for the Android System application. How you get to the correct screen may rely upon your Android form and telephone. This is the manner by which to do it on Android 11 running on a Pixel:

  • Open ‘Settings’
  • Go to ‘Applications and Notifications’, at that point ‘See all [number] applications’ (under ‘As of late opened applications’)
  • Open the flood menu (the three dabs in the correct corner), at that point tap ‘Show framework’
  • Find the ‘Android System’ application, open the ‘Progressed’ choices
  • Go to ‘Open as a matter of course’, at that point tap the ‘Reasonable defaults’ catch.

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